Best Employee Survey Email Template Examples

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Best Employee Survey Email Template Examples
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Read time: 13 min

Identifying issues in the workplace and creating the best possible working environment starts with the people at the heart of the business: Your employees.

Collecting employee feedback is a key focus for HR teams, with employee satisfaction leading to lower turnover rates, higher engagement and a more productive workforce.

Use an employee survey email template in this guide for a fast, simple way to give employees a voice.

Guide Index

What are Employee Surveys?

Employee surveys are internal surveys sent to staff members in a bid to uncover their real thoughts and feelings about the workplace.

They’re an opportunity for employees to share their ideas and voice any concerns they might have. The driving force behind employee surveys is to understand the real experience of employees by inviting feedback, usually given anonymously to encourage honesty.

Responses can be used to benchmark employee satisfaction and spot issues management might otherwise have missed.

Happy staff are central to a good culture. And, when you can cultivate a positive internal culture, it’s easier to build a great brand and support business growth moving forward.

Picture from Unsplash

How Often Should You Conduct an Employee Survey Email?

There’s no definitive answer about the frequency you should send out an employee survey email. As a guide, aim to send survey requests often enough to keep track of employee sentiment, but not so often that employees get tired of sharing their feedback.

The ideal frequency depends on the type of survey you send. So:

  • Short “pulse” surveys can be sent more regularly
  • In-depth surveys should be sent infrequently, such as annually or quarterly

Be sure to space out survey announcement emails so employees feel motivated to give their full attention. Half-hearted feedback, or no feedback at all, isn’t very helpful.

If you’re short on time or resources, you could create emails with a no-code email builder. These are easy-to-use platforms that host a suite of professional, customizable templates.

Whatever your design skills, anyone can use them to curate engaging emails and send them from your go-to provider, so it’s a breeze to send HTML emails in Outlook, Gmail or any other platform.

What Makes a Good Employee Survey Email Template?

The best employee experience surveys generate honest and actionable feedback from the people at the heart of your business.

Follow a brief, personable employee survey email template to set a positive tone that makes employees feel confident about completing the survey. Build excitement and give them a solid reason to take part.

Tip: Not sure where to find an effective template? An email builder has hundreds of professional templates you can customize with pre-built modules.

Communication and trust are the triggers to a successful survey. Make the survey anonymous and ask the right questions. In other words, cover the issues that affect your employees most.

Once you’ve sent out the survey invitation email, your job isn’t done. Be sure to thank your team for taking part and then turn the feedback into action.

Follow up on concerns wherever possible, so staff know you take their opinions seriously and are motivated to respond to future survey requests.

What are the Benefits of an Employee Survey Email?

A well-designed survey communication email sets the stage for successful outreach.

Design yours quickly using an email builder platform and its pre-built templates. Send out your survey email to the entire company at once for a bunch of actionable feedback that benefits the company in countless ways.

  • Constantly review and improve processes
  • Get an on-the-ground view of what it’s like to work at the company
  • Get honest insights
  • Survey emails are non-intrusive; employees can fill them out at a time that suits them
  • Improve the workplace culture (happy staff lead to happy customers!)

What are Employee Email Survey Best Practices?

There are ways to announce an employee survey to encourage more, high-quality responses. A good response rate is between 60-70%. Follow these 7 best practices to meet - or exceed - that goal.

1. Keep your survey announcement email brief

Hold the reader's attention by following an employee survey email template that’s personable but to the point.

Use an email builder to create the best internal newsletter. With in-built design tools, such as powerful multimedia integrations and beautiful pre-built modules, an email builder lets anyone build newsletters quickly.

Ready-to-use templates are available, professionally organized into digestible sections to keep emails engaging from start to finish.

2. Discuss the goals of the survey

Let employees know what you’re trying to achieve.

Do you want to determine which wellness benefits employees want? Do you want feedback on a recent change? Or do you just want to increase employee satisfaction across the board?

Boost response rate by clearly communicating how staff will benefit by taking the time to respond.

3. Build trust with an anonymity promise

A high proportion of employees don’t feel comfortable being honest with their employer.

Encourage recipients to open up and share how they really feel by making the survey anonymous. Authentic feedback is much more valuable than sugar-coated conversations.

4. Offer incentives

Beyond improving the workplace experience, consider offering an additional benefit to anyone who completes the survey.

Vouchers are a great way to boost engagement. Alternatively, get creative and offer an early finish or paid day off as a thank you. Either way, incentives are a sure-fire way to increase response rates.

5. Embed the survey within your email

Embed the survey directly in your email rather than as a link to minimize the number of steps involved.

Use an email builder to add polls or surveys to your newsletter. Add life and color to make emails more engaging, by dipping into a multimedia library packed with gifs, images and other handy files.

6. Send the survey campaign at the right time

You don’t want your survey announcement email to get lost at the bottom of a digital pile, so be strategic with your sending times.

Avoid sending survey emails at times of high workload, during vacations, or last thing on a Friday.

7. Sign it from the CEO

Show that the CEO cares by getting their input into the survey process.

Email builders put collaboration at the forefront, so you can collaborate and get approval in real time.

What are Examples of Employee Survey Email Templates?

The ultimate employee newsletter layout captures the eyeballs and minds of its readers. Get your comms right by following a brief survey announcement sample.

To get you started, we’ve come up with four employee survey email templates covering a handful of situations.

You can use an email builder, where you can design stunning newsletters in no time, here. With the capability to build emails that look great on every device and can be sent from any provider, it’s the simplest, most effective way to use a template.

Just copy and paste the text you need into a design template in an email builder, and customize it to suit your company’s survey.

Don’t forget to send a ‘thank you’ email to all respondents!

1. Employee experience (EX) survey announcement sample (with gift cards)

To improve the EX, companies need to check in on people at each stage of the employee lifecycle. This employee survey email template includes an incentive to increase the response rate and get a comprehensive view of what it’s like to work at the company.

2. Pulse checks

Get a pulse check on topics such as employee satisfaction, job role, communication and the overall work environment. Pulse checks are short so you can embed the survey in the email. Since they’re quick to answer, you can send these surveys more often - quarterly, monthly or even bi-weekly will work.

3. Anonymous survey announcement email: Management check-up

It’s natural for people to be reluctant to share their opinions about management.This survey invitation example emphasizes the anonymity of your survey and is based on checking in on manager-employee relationships.

4. Get their say in business decisions

The word of your employees counts. If there’s a big decision to be made - from employee perks to office layout - go straight to the people it will impact day in, day out.

Wrapping Up

Make employee feedback an ingrained part of your processes to ensure your environment is as positive and productive as it can be.

With a simple employee survey email template, launching surveys is quick and easy, and responses come in thick, fast and - most importantly - honest.

An email builder is your tool to make this happen, so you can save time and maximize engagement. Get started by choosing from hundreds of professional templates.