10 Newsletter Announcement Emails: Examples & Tips

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10 Newsletter Announcement Emails: Examples & Tips
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Read time: 13 min

When people subscribe to your email newsletters, there’s the grand hope that they will be interested in whatever newsletter announcement you end up sending. Whether it’s an announcement email to employees or clients, engagement is critical.

We’re going to look at what a newsletter announcement email entails and share some impactful newsletter announcement examples.

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Announcement email with clear CTA on phone screen
Picture from Unsplash

What is a Newsletter Announcement Email?

A newsletter announcement email is what it sounds like– an email that’s sharing new information about a product, service, or event.

An announcement newsletter is a marketing message that is sent to a specific audience, whether internal to company employees or external to customers or potential customers.

Newsletter announcement emails are a cost effective and easy-to-achieve way to spread the news about anything that’s important for your business.

To create and send a newsletter announcement without having to spend much time on design, you can leverage an email builder.

Email builders offer hundreds of professional templates, including those intended for an announcement newsletter, so that you get to focus on the content within the message as the blueprint for the email already comes pre-built.

What are Examples of Newsletter Announcement Emails?

At some point in time, a newsletter announcement email will be exactly what your business needs. To prepare you for that moment, whether it’s your current situation or one that is upcoming, we’re going to look at 10 common newsletter announcement emails.

1. New business newsletter announcement

Is your business opening a new business location or another division of its company? A new business announcement informs your current customers (and possibly prospective customers) of your company’s expansion.

Generally, new business announcements are focused towards existing clients, as they have already proven to have a stake in the game and care about your current business. So, a new business announcement can prompt excitement on their behalf and also encourage them to support the new business.

One great way to boost engagement with a new business newsletter announcement is to offer an incentive with your call-to-action. For example, you can offer a discount to those who attend the grand opening or buy a product from the news business entity within its first 2 weeks of opening.

2. New software release newsletter announcement

Running a software company or technology business means that you have constant software updates to share that you want your users to download, of course. Take an iPhone for example- you get push notifications when you’re ready to update to the latest software.

Without them, you may never even be aware that a new software is ready to download. In a similar way, a new software release newsletter announcement is a great way to share with your users the latest and greatest updates you’ve made to your product.

While push notifications are effective, a newsletter announcement email can offer a deepened summary of what exactly has been updated with the latest release.

3. Promotion newsletter announcement

Is your company running a sale or promotion for a limited period of time? Spread the word with the help of a promotion newsletter announcement.

A promotion newsletter announcement can directly drive sales. When designing and sending your promotion announcement, it’s a best practice to stick with your company’s current branding so that your audience immediately can recognize where it’s coming from.

With an email builder, you can take advantage of saved styles and brand kits which automatically implement your logo, brand’s color palette and typography.

4. Product launch newsletter announcement

Getting ready to launch a new product? That means there’s a ton on your plate, as well as all the departments working together to make your new product come to life. A product launch newsletter announcement is critical for your audience to learn more.

Better yet, you can send a series of product launch newsletter announcement emails to build excitement. For example, to run a sequence of product launch announcements, consider this cadence: a teaser email. Informational email, and culminating with a live launch email.

5. New feature release newsletter announcement

When you release a new feature for your product or service, customers have to know about it to take advantage of it. Be it on a free or premium plan, you can use a new feature release newsletter announcement to activate your users to make use of the new feature.

6. Pre-order newsletter announcement

You can hype up a product before it’s even ready to ship. A pre-order newsletter announcement is the trick here. When a new product is almost ready to launch, get your audience excited about it by sharing details of the product’s benefits, as well as a link of where they can purchase the product.

7. Event newsletter announcement

As the host of an upcoming event, attendance is the key to your success. The first step for getting people to attend is to make them aware of the event in the first place. An upcoming event newsletter announcement does the heavy lifting for you!

What should you include in your event newsletter announcement? The most important details, of course, such as: the event title, a description of the event, the date, time and location of the event, and how to register or sign up.

8. Open position newsletter announcement

Sometimes, the best talent to fill your open position is right under your nose within your company. An open position newsletter announcement can be sent to your employees so that they can apply if it’s a good fit.

Or, alternatively, if it’s not a good fit for them, they may know someone in their network that’s a good prospect. An open position newsletter announcement can also be sent to an email list of those who have previously applied with your business to spark their interest yet again.

9. Company news newsletter announcement

Companies evolve nonstop, so there’s a high chance that you’ll have a company news update worthy of sharing with your employees and/or customers. A company news newsletter can offer the details up to those who the update is relevant for.

For example, if your company just won a big award, both employees and customers have a reason to care. Employees can feel proud of their accomplishments, and this news can improve your brand’s reputation with customers, thereby spurring greater loyalty and trust.

10. New employee newsletter announcement

Did you recently onboard a new employee, or several? Welcome them to the team by sharing a new employee newsletter announcement within your internal communications. Some useful content to share include a photo of the newcomer, their name, title, and a piece of fun information about them to serve as a way for colleagues to get to know them.

How to Write a Newsletter Announcement Email?

As you can see from just 10 examples of newsletter announcement email examples, there is a lot worthy of sharing within any business. Knowing the reason for the newsletter, or the main topic, is step one.

Knowing how to write a newsletter announcement email is what follows. Keep in mind these tips for when you’re ready to create your own:

1. Leverage email builder tools

Save time and boost engagement by making use of an email builder tool when creating any type of email newsletter, be it a newsletter announcement email, marketing email, or internal communications email.

An email builder empowers you to create branded email communications without any coder or designer needed, and provides you with analytics to review your campaign’s success.

Additionally, top-notch email builders integrate with your favorite email service providers, such as Gmail and Outlook, making it easier than ever to seamlessly send your newsletter on your preferred email platform, the same as with your everyday emails.

2. Craft an engaging subject line

A subject line is the first piece of information that your audience will see, so it should grab their attention right away. The best subject lines are short (2-5 words), intriguing, and are relevant to the content of the email itself (without giving everything away at once).

3. Balance imagery with copy

Your message is written in words, but you can tell a story with imagery. Rather than overwhelming your readers with blocks of content, you can make a beautiful newsletter announcement by including images, GIFs, videos, and multimedia content.

The best email builders are equipped to help you do this by providing a multimedia library directly within the tool and the ability to edit your images within the newsletter design process itself.

4. Use strong CTAs

A CTA, or call-to-action, is what takes your audience to the next step to act upon the information that you’re sharing. In the case of newsletter announcements, CTAs should have clear directions like: “RSVP,” “Buy Now,” or “Learn More.”

5. Be straight to the point

When sharing announcements, it’s best not to beat around the bush. People tend to spend less than 10 seconds on average reading an email. That’s why it’s beneficial to get straight to the point and include only information that is of value and relevant to the email’s purpose.

News Flash: It’s Time to Spread the Word!

Now, you know the basics of how to write and send your next newsletter announcement. There are many different reasons for why you’d wish to distribute a newsletter announcement, from new product launches to company updates to new hires (and everything in between).

And, with an email builder, the entire process is seamless and measurable with the help of drag-and-drop functionality and analytics at your fingertips.