5 Best Email Feedback Survey Examples & Benefits

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5 Best Email Feedback Survey Examples & Benefits
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Read time: 13 min

The most successful businesses listen to their customers. Whether you’re launching a whole new product, tweaking a feature or want to make sure your customer service is just right, an email feedback survey is a simple (affordable!) way to gather those all-important insights.

In this blog, we will share five of the best customer survey email examples, along with best practices, and the benefits of regularly checking in with your subscribers.

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Why Send Email Feedback Surveys?

An email feedback survey has become a solid tool for marketers to learn about the customer experience from the people who count - their customers.

When you want to get to know your consumers better so you can shape your product or service to meet their needs, there’s no faster, easier or cheaper vehicle than email.

1. Honest Insights

The best customer surveys are anonymous, so you’re getting real, valuable responses. When you send a feedback survey email, you’re tapping into a customer base that’s already shown an interest in your products or services, or subscribed to your email list. They’re engaged and likely to be happy to share their thoughts.

2. Cost-Effective

It’s extremely affordable to send a survey invitation email to a large subscriber base.Collect insights from many people at once by simply sending one bulk email. Interviews and focus groups, on the other hand, are more expensive forms of user research. They rack up costs such as recruiting participants, renting premises, agency fees and/or interviewer hires.

3. Fast

Face-to-face interviews and focus groups are time-sucks.It takes time to find the right participants, organize a session (or sessions) and analyze the data. Email surveys let you quickly reach more than one customer at once with a short, focused survey.You can speed up the process even more with an email builder. They contain done-for-you feedback email templates that can be customized in minutes.

4. Non-intrusive

Asking people to share their thoughts and opinions isn’t intrusive. Recipients have opted into your emails and, as customers, they have a vested interest in helping you improve your product, service or overall business.

In most cases, customers are happy to give their feedback and can respond to your survey invitation at their own will.

These days, obtaining consent and following email marketing laws are so important. Be sure you’re working within both legal and ethical boundaries.

What Elements Make a Good Email Feedback Survey?

A powerful feedback survey email contains five important elements. Get them right to increase the response rate and gather more honest, actionable feedback.

  1. Strong subject line: Write an attention-grabbing subject line that convinces recipients to open the email.
  1. Pre-header text: Use the supporting preview text to build intrigue or explain the content of your email.
  1. Introductory text: Open your email with a line or two about the reason for your email.
  1. Body copy: Use the main body of the email to provide instructions and highlight the benefits of taking part in the survey. For example, let readers know you’re rolling out the survey to improve the services you offer them
  1. Multi-media: Break up walls of text and make your email scannable and engaging. Use small sections along with engaging elements such as images, videos and GIFs. It’s easy to add interesting media to your emails when you use an email builder - just drag and drop content straight into the editor, which supports the full spectrum of multi-media.
  2. A clear survey link: Improve conversion rate with a clear call-to-action (CTA). Add the survey link in a prominent place in your email, ideally using a bold button that readers can’t miss. The CTA should be direct, such as Take Our Survey.

What are the Best Email Feedback Survey Examples?

The thought of sending an email feedback survey from scratch is overwhelming. That’s why so many companies - from start-ups to multinationals - design their emails with an email builder.

Email builders have everything you need to create engaging, beautiful email newsletters (even if your design experience is limited!) Access hundreds of email-optimized templates and bring stunning emails to life without leaving the platform.

You can discover fresh content for your newsletters thanks to an integration with a range of sources - from stock image sites to YouTube. Create powerful multi-media newsletters and send HTML emails in Gmail, Outlook or any other service provider.

To get you started, here are some great customer survey email examples.

1. A Feedback Survey Email for Longer Surveys

When you launch a survey to gather opinions about a product, service or event, introduce it with a survey invitation email. Include a link to the survey and make sure it’s a breeze for readers to click and complete your form.

2. A Survey Introduction Email Example With an Incentive

Give readers another reason to complete your survey.A giveaway or another incentive such as a freebie or voucher are all good ways to increase the response rate and maximize the outcome of your email feedback survey.

3. An NPS survey Email

An NPS (Net Promoter Score) email uses a scale of 0-10 to learn how satisfied your users are. It asks a single question to measure customer perception:How likely is it that you would recommend [Company Name/Product Name/Service Name] to a friend or colleague?It’s simple for users to complete, which encourages them to give a minute of their time to share their thoughts. You can embed NPS surveys within the body of the email to make the journey even smoother.

4. An Employee Survey Email

Ever thought of sending survey emails internally as well as externally?Use an employee survey email template, pre-designed in an email builder, to gauge how employees feel about the workplace. This is important for spotting issues and fostering the best possible working environment, to boost productivity and reduce turnover.Show employees that their opinions matter, and be sure to launch anonymous surveys so they feel comfortable sharing their honest feedback.

5. A Survey Email With an Embedded Question

Get the ball rolling by embedding a question within the body of your email.This is ideal for single-question surveys. If you’re working with a multiple-question survey, embed the first question as a link to the rest of the survey. When users respond to the question, this takes them to your survey.Multiple-choice questions work well for this type of customer satisfaction email!

What are Email Feedback Survey Best Practices?

How do you know your email feedback survey won’t get buried under piles of unanswered emails?

Until you just get started, you’ll never know what works best for your business. You can, however, give your surveys the best chance of success by following a set of best practices.

1. Set an Objective

Consider why you’re sending feedback emails. Having a goal in mind helps keep your emails (and surveys) relevant and keep track of your progress.For example, your goal might be:

  • Improve the features of a new product
  • Improve your customer service
  • Make sure employees feel supported

Goal setting reminds you why you’re collecting survey responses and keeps you focused.Using an email builder lets you track the success of email campaigns, no matter where you send your emails from. You can monitor metrics like click-through rate and open rate, and use heat maps to see which content resonates most.With powerful analytics at your fingertips, you can stay focused on the end goal and continually tweak your emails to optimize their performance.

2. Keep it Short and Sweet

Aim for no more than 10 questions per survey and avoid rambling on in the email body copy.A brief questionnaire is more appealing, so this quick tip is a great way to boost responses. When your survey includes just a few questions, it is worth calling it out in the email body so people know it won’t take a lot of their time.

3. Include Deadlines

Create a sense of urgency to minimize the number of people who forget to fill out your survey.Include a deadline in your survey invitation email to incentivize recipients to answer the questions there and then. Just make sure to impose the deadlines, rather than just shout about them. Creating a false sense of urgency (deadlines that don’t really exist) can impact trust in a business.

4. Be Clear About the Process

Explain why the prospect is receiving the email (for example, you’d like their thoughts on a new product feature) and be clear about how long it’ll take them to complete the survey.

5. Offer an Incentive

People are more likely to provide feedback if there’s something in it for them. While the simple promise of improved service may be enough for some customers, others need something else to seal the deal.Consider offering a voucher or discount coupon, or entry into a giveaway, as a survey incentive.

6. Use Your Company Branding

Consistency builds trust. It’s important that emails contain your company colors, fonts and approved visual assets, so emails are instantly recognizable and trust is built from the moment prospects click Open.

An email builder can help. You can store your brand’s assets inside a Brand Kit, so every email is consistent and there’s no need to design emails from scratch - an incredible time-saver for businesses.

A Brand Kit provides a huge collaborative benefit, especially for organizations with globally dispersed teams. You can choose to give access to team members, knowing they’ll be able to design beautiful, on-brand emails that follow best practices, even without design or coding skills.

Wrap Up

You can easily create an email feedback survey with pre-made, engaging templates that maximize engagement. Save time and money by using an email builder, and select from a vast library of templates ready to be customized and exported to your chosen email provider.

With the right design and best practices, your business can collect stacks of honest feedback - an invaluable tool to improve your offerings and make sure your business thrives moving forward.