20 Newsletter Topics for Employees to Drive Engagement

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20 Newsletter Topics for Employees to Drive Engagement
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Read time: 13 min

If you want your employees to stay engaged with the business, you have to keep them engaged with what’s happening in the business. A great way to do this consistently is by sending out internal communications newsletters.

We’ll share some of the best newsletter topics for employees so that you can keep your employees wanting and reading more!

Guide Index
Employee reading an email at laptop
Picture from Unsplash

What is an Employee Newsletter?

An employee newsletter is a piece of communication that is sent from the company to their employees to keep them up-to-date with information. Employee newsletters can contain holiday-themed announcements, important company updates, upcoming events and meetings, business milestones, new starters and more.

The idea is for managers and team leaders to be able to share valuable news with their team. And, the great news is that you can use an email builder with pre-built templates to send your communications with ease and maximise email engagement.

Why are Employee Newsletters Important?

Employee newsletter do more than just inform your workforce, they are a method by which you can make everyone feel involved. With fun newsletter ideas, you can:

1. Improve Communication

Overall, when you send newsletters consistently, you’re not only improving communication, but you’re also opening the door for employees to ask questions and be involved. It can also breed a more collaborative company culture.

2 Boost Engagement

As we have mentioned quite a few times, employees who feel seen, heard, and a part of something, are more likely to remain with the company and care about making its initiatives successful.

Email builders are designed to help boost engagement. They are stacked with templates that are built with best practices, incorporate multimedia libraries, and feature a brand kit so you can save your company’s styling for all correspondence.

3 Celebrate Together

Companies often surpass big milestones. They are well worth celebrating, and sharing the news in a company newsletter is a way to make sure that happens.

4 Spur Innovation

When everyone knows the latest and greatest company and industry news, they have more ideas and insights that could help the business perform better.

5. Strengthen Trust

When leadership and management shares with employees, they are able to build trust and bridge gaps.

6. Connect Employees

With the rise of remote workforces, employee newsletters are a wonderful way to ensure that everyone is on the same page and working together towards shared goals.

7. Solicit Feedback

Employee newsletters can also be great avenues to request feedback from your team members about how they are faring and what could be better within the organization.

What are the Best Newsletter Topics for Employees?

With all the valuable insights and updates you likely already want to share with your employees, you’re probably going to have a harder time deciding what not to send, rather than what to send.

However, you want to keep each employee newsletter as exciting as the last. To do so, you have to switch up the content and keep it fresh every time. Let’s take a look at some newsletter topics for employees to help keep you inspired!

1. Company Events

Let’s face it, there’s always something going on around the office. Whether you’re looking to promote a holiday event, employee birthday party, hack-a-thon, or any other type of event, a company event newsletter is a great way to spread the word.

2. Policy Updates

Keep everyone abreast of new company policies and updates with an employee newsletter that starts off with the information they need to know, as well as how it affects them.

3. Job Postings

Are you trying to fill a position? Hire within! Let your employees know about it so they can apply. And, even if they don’t want to apply, chances are high that they know someone in their network that would be a good fit.

4. Employee Birthdays

Celebrate one another by sharing employee birthdays so that there’s a good reason to eat cake at break time.

5. New Hires

Someone new just started? You want them to feel welcome. What better way than to spotlight them in an employee newsletter so everyone can say hello and invite them into the company?

6. Career Development Opportunities

Just like company events, training and career development opportunities demand attendance. Since they are made for your team, it only makes sense that they know in advance when and where they are happening so that they can be involved.

7. Competitions

Make your newsletter interactive by hosting competitions. Competitions are a great way to incentivize employees to take the action that best suits the company, such as to attend or complete training in record time!

8. Wellbeing Information

A happy staff is a healthy staff. And, companies that care about their employees’ wellness can boost retention. Share some wellness tips in your next newsletter, promote meditation videos, and encourage employees to take breaks.

9. Special Offers

Have company-wide perks that your team should know about? Announce them in your next newsletter. For example, if you offer discounted gym memberships, that’s something employees should know about.

10. Employee Spotlight

Shine the light on a job well done by sharing an employee’s recent achievements. This not only makes them feel appreciated, but it can also inspire other employees to do their best.

11. Top Lists

With all these informational newsletter topics for employees, it’s always fun to throw something inside the newsletter that adds a personal touch. You can consider using “Top” lists, such as “Top 10 places to eat nearby,” or “Top 10 podcasts to boost your business.”

12. Inspiration

Whether you wish to include motivational quotes, photos, or even stories, inspirational content can make employees smile. Feel good content is a mood-booster, so it’s a nice added touch.

13. Financial Updates

While it may seem less exciting than inspirational content, financial reports are another valuable item to share with employees. By being transparent with how the business is doing, employees have more trust in leadership.

14. Customer Feedback

Positive customer feedback should be shared with the employees that created the good experience in the first place. It helps to keep employees connected with their purpose.

15. Message from Leadership

Another great way to keep employees connected is to highlight messages from executives. While executives don’t typically get to communicate with employees face-to-face or frequently, a message from a CEO in a newsletter can go a long way.

16. Industry News

Help keep your employees informed about what’s going on within the industry by sharing industry news. With this knowledge, they may be inspired with new ideas to help your business gain a competitive edge.

17. Blog Posts

Have a company blog? While customers may be reading it often, employees don’t tend to visit the company website as frequently. Showcase new company blog posts in a blog-focused newsletter.

18. Resources

Besides career training and development programs, there are tons of resources available across every industry that employees can take advantage of. Share free resources in your next newsletter.

19. Company History

Employees care about where they work, and the more they know about the company story, the more reason they have to care. An employee newsletter is a great place to showcase “This Day in Company History” when there’s exciting tidbits to share.

20. Product Updates

Another useful piece of news for employees to know about is what’s happening with your business’ product and services. When you’re working on new releases, it only makes sense for your internal team to know the details first.

With all these fantastic ideas in mind, you can find newsletter templates for all this and more inside an email builder! By using an email builder, you can save time and remove the need for a designer or coder.

Once you create your email with drag-and-drop functionality, you can send it out using your preferred email service provider like Gmail or Outlook. Plus, you will receive detailed analytics including heatmaps to see how employees are taking to it.

Team planning an email newsletter
Picture from Unsplash

What are Best Practice Tips to Maximize Employee Newsletter Engagement?

With all the best employee newsletter examples in your pocket, you’re ready to start creating your own!

Remember these tips for crafting employee newsletters:

  • Write catchy and concise subject lines
  • Use email builders with templates to produce and send them easily
  • Send with consistency
  • Provide value
  • Ask for feedback

Anyone can create engaging and compelling newsletters with an email builder. Email builders are designed to streamline the creation and sending process.

With pre-built templates, drag-and-drop functionality, image editors, and integrated tools, there’s no need for designers or coders. Plus, you can use your favorite email service provider like Gmail or Outlook to send your newsletters.

How to Promote an Employee Newsletter?

Emails are a great resource for communication because, let’s face, everyone you work with uses it on a daily basis. That being said, you can amplify the messages within your newsletter by promoting it on different outlets and channels.

For example, you can:

  • Post about your newsletter in your Intranet
  • Share the latest email send in your Slack channels
  • Let employees know when they can expect to receive employee newsletters

Ideas are Just the Beginning

Your newsletter ideas are just the start!

Amongst the various newsletter topics for employees, you will not only be adding value to your team’s work life, but you’ll also be cultivating a more engaged and inspired workforce.

Plus, with the help of an email builder, it’s never been easier to create, edit, and send employee newsletters that are beautifully branded, boast engagement and are eye-catching!