20 Best Employee Engagement Newsletter Ideas

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20 Best Employee Engagement Newsletter Ideas
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Read time: 9 min

Consistent communication with your clients isn’t the only type of communication you need to be thinking about. It’s also of great value to make sure you keep your employees engaged and in-the-know about your workplace happenings.

Check out these employee engagement newsletter ideas to make the most out of your next internal email newsletter.

Employees working together on laptops
Picture from Unsplash

What is an Employee Newsletter?

An employee newsletter is a company-wide communication intended for your employees only. In this day and age, it tends to be digital correspondence sent via email. An employee newsletter provides company updates, job postings, upcoming events, industry news, and more.

The intention is to deliver relevant and timely information in an easy-to-digest manner so that employees are excited to open their inbox and see a new email from their employer.

Fun newsletter ideas are a great way to not only inform your employees, but also to keep them interested in the business overall.

Why are Employee Newsletter Important?

Employee newsletters aren’t just about being fun, they also serve many purposes and are important for a variety of reasons, namely:

1. Increased Productivity

Highly engaged employees are more productive and aligned with company goals. They understand the broader vision and the part that they play in the business.

When you keep employees up-to-date with what’s going on in the business, they tend to feel more invested in the outcome and willing to do what’s necessary to ensure success.

2. Collaboration and Camaraderie

Besides keeping communication lines open between employer/management and employees, employee newsletters also help employees feel connected.

Since you can share updates from different departments and express how teams can help one another, it opens up collaboration between employees. At the same time, you can build a sense of community at work.

3. Far-Reaching

Employee newsletters are easy to send out and a great way to reach a wide audience that is anywhere. With the rise of remote work, it’s more critical than ever to find ways to still stay connected.

Email newsletters are an affordable and convenient method to do so. This is especially true with the use of email builders that come stocked with hundreds of professional and fully customizable pre-built template that maximise readers engagement.

With fast drag and drop design and no coding needed email builders also free up your time to focus on the content that matters as the design best practices are already implemented.

4. Boosts Morale

As you likely know, it’s hard to find good talent and even more difficult to retain them. A newsletter, although seemingly simple, can spark optimism about a company’s future.

In turn, employees may feel more intrigued to remain with the organization as they can better understand their value and role through these communications.

How to Engage Employees in a Newsletter?

Sending out communications for communication’s sake isn’t going to cut it however. Your employee engagement newsletter ideas are only as strong as the content they keep.

To prompt engagement, the most important thing to remember is your audience! After all, they are the ones you’re trying to reach. As such, keep the content relevant, timely, and succinct. Most importantly, always think about the value that the information delivers.

You can make use of email analytics to know with certainty how your employees are performing, rather than having to guess. Email builders can provide you with the analytics you want to know, such as open rates, click-through rates, and a heatmap of most engaging content.

How to Create an Employee Newsletter?

The most foolproof method to create an engagement is with a drag-and-drop email builder that provides you with access to free company newsletter templates for any type of message.

Plus, with the best email builders, you can export your creation to over 57 email providers, including Gmail and Outlook, and trust that your design will render properly across all screen sizes and device types.

Drag-and-drop email builders are equipped with all the tools you need to design and send professional emails without any need for a coder or graphic designer. All you need to do is plan your message and get started writing the content. The email builder does the rest for you.

You begin with a template designed for your content, and then you can fill in the information, images, GIFs, videos and more just by clicking. The visual editor makes it simple to use for anyone. Plus, the best email builders have all the features you’d hope for, such as an image editor, dynamic link scraping, a multimedia library, and lots more

What are Employee Engagement Newsletter Ideas?

Now that we’ve covered the basics, it’s time to get to the good stuff. We’re going to share some of our favorite employee engagement newsletters ideas so that you always will have some inspiration at your fingertips.

1. Executive Spotlights

You can use an employee newsletter to showcase executives in the best light. It’s a great way to help people get to know the leadership better. This can be done through video interviews, Q&As or even notes from the leaders themselves.

2. Employee Interviews

It’s also a great idea to help employees get to know one another through employee interviews and spotlights. If an employee has been doing a stellar job, you can use this space to highlight and praise their achievements, which can also inspire others around them.

3. Company Updates

Naturally, you want to ensure that any policy or company updates make it to all employees. An employee newsletter gives you the space to do so easily. Remember that if a company update is crucial, it’s probably best to place it at or near the top of the newsletter so that it doesn’t get glanced over.

4. Job Postings

You’re surely using third-party networks to recruit new talent, but have you thought about the people within your company who may know like-minded and fitting people to fill the open slots? Or, if not an external hire, perhaps the perfect candidate already exists within the organization and is ready for a promotion. Sharing job postings internally is a solid place to begin.

5. New Employee Highlights

New employees should feel welcomed! New employee highlights can help introduce them to the rest of the team and allow people to have some additional background on the new addition to the company.

6. Industry Trends and News

The industry often dictates what you do next as a company. Sharing industry trends and news provides employees with context and even ideas to bring to the table.

7. Local Recommendations

What’s happening around the office and in your community? If you have a physical office (or multiple), you can share local recommendations for events, restaurants, and local businesses.

8. Motivational Quotes

Sometimes, all a person needs is a little extra boost. Adding motivational quotes into a company newsletter is a simple, yet fun way to give that added little push.

9. Anniversaries, Milestones, and Birthdays

There’s always something to celebrate, and no one is going to say no to a reason to eat cake! Share anniversaries, company milestones, or birthdays in your next employee newsletter to have some fun.

10. Opinion Pieces

Opinion editorials from subject matters in your industry can spice up a company newsletter. It adds another perspective and useful information into the mix. Invite contributor pieces for your next newsletter.

11. Surveys

Since newsletters are intended to boost communication and information flow, it’s nice to remember that it’s also a two way street.

Surveys and polls can be used to solicit feedback from the people that matter most in your business– your employees! When conducting surveys and polls, remember to share the results in the subsequent newsletter.

12. Professional Development Resources

“You learn something new every day.” When employees have the opportunity to learn and grow more professionally, they often feel more engaged and excited about what they do.

Encourage employees to take part in professional development by sharing upcoming courses, podcasts, books, and relevant resources.

13. Media Coverage

Has your business been featured in the media recently? Spread the good news! Whether it’s a news article or video piece, successful PR can also boost employee engagement.

14. Wellbeing Tips

Health is wealth, right? Wellbeing tips may seem small, but they can make a huge difference in your employees’ overall health and wellness. A few ideas may be to share upcoming wellness workshops, tools, or advice for how to keep healthy and active, especially while at work.

15. Contests

Running contests gives employees something to be excited about as they have the prospect to win. You can double down on contests by entering employees into a raffle for replying to surveys. They also may feel more inclined to open the next newsletter if you highlight the results.

16. Employee-Submitted Content

Employee-submitted content can give you insight into what employees care most about. At the same time, you get to save yourself time as employees are responsible for writing or sourcing the content themselves!

17. Events

Hosting an upcoming event? Showcase it in an employee newsletter to boost attendance and awareness.

These newsletters are best when they clearly state the event and the relevant information upfront so employees don’t have to spend time digging for the most pertinent details. Here’s an example of a template that accomplishes this simplicity with a clear and eye-catching message.

18. Advice Column

Mentorship and advice columns are another one of our favorite employee engagement newsletter ideas because they provide insight, tips, strategies, and useful and actionable items.

This is especially great for newcomers to learn quickly from tenured and experienced employees.

19. FAQs

For HR teams especially, a frequently asked questions section in an employee newsletter can go a long way. To be fair, any department can benefit from sharing FAQs to further educate your team.

20. Recent Wins

Celebrate the little and big wins in the company as often as you can. After all, it’s your employees who helped make it happen, and they deserve to feel seen, heard, and recognized.

What are Customer Engagement Newsletter Ideas?

When talking about employee engagement newsletter ideas, we can’t forget about customer engagement newsletter ideas either. These customer-focused newsletter ideas give employees a better idea of who their end user is.

A couple fun customer engagement ideas include:

1. Customer Feedback

Show how your company is impacting its customers by sharing customer feedback, reviews, and stories. When employees know how their work is affecting those on the other end, they may feel more satisfied and happy about what they do.

2. Social Media Talk

Is your product or service being talked about on social media? Showcase the recent chatter!

3. New Customers

Ensure employees are updated with your customer base by sharing new customers and highlights about demographics. This helps to focus their work more.

Wrapping Up

Employee engagement newsletter ideas come in all different shapes and sizes. Ultimately, they depend on what you have to share and the value you wish to deliver to your employees at any point in time.

Remember, with an email builder, all of these ideas are really seamless to execute as the templates are ready to go. All you have to do is fill them in with your customized content, export to your favoriate email service provider like Gmail or Outlook and then, get sending!

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