12 Best Employee Newsletter Ideas & Best Practices

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12 Best Employee Newsletter Ideas & Best Practices
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Read time: 13 min

There’s so much to share with employees, in what always feels like so little time. The best employee newsletters convey any information you need, whenever you have something to share. With the help of email builders, you can say so much (in so little time), thanks to templates and drag-and-drop editors that make designing and sending email newsletters seamless.

We’re going to share some fun employee newsletter ideas for all occasions and reasons. So, when you have something to say or wish to simply stay in touch with your staff consistently, you’ll have all the inspiration you need.

Guide Index
Email notification on phone
Picture from Pexels

What Is an Employee Newsletter?

An employee newsletter is a form of digital communication for the workplace. It’s intended to broadcast valuable information and/or updates to your internal staff.

Along with getting the necessary news in front of the right audience, the point of an employee newsletter is to drive engagement. Employees should feel engaged from the moment they see the newsletter hit their inbox (amongst their influx of mail), which means that the best staff newsletter examples start with a strong subject line. We’ll touch more on how to accomplish this in the best practices section later.

Why are Employee Newsletters Important?

As Gallup found, when employees feel connected and engaged at work, their productivity stands to increase by 14%, sales grow by 18%, and profitability increases by 23%. That’s a lot of good that can come from nurturing and connecting an engaged staff!

Employee newsletters are a great way to keep employees involved and in the loop of what’s going on in the business. When you send them consistently and communicate continuously, you are able to:

There’s so much to share with employees, in what always feels like so little time. The best employee newsletters convey any information you need, whenever you have something to share. With the help of email builders, you can say so much (in so little time), thanks to templates and drag-and-drop editors that make designing and sending email newsletters seamless.

We’re going to share some fun employee newsletter ideas for all occasions and reasons. So, when you have something to say or wish to simply stay in touch with your staff consistently, you’ll have all the inspiration you need.

1. Build Community

Attracting and retaining top-tier talent begins with fostering a strong workplace culture. By building a sense of community within your workplace’s walls, employees are more likely to be satisfied and interested in their day-to-day activities.

2. Share Information

Primarily, employee newsletters help to disseminate information. By sending them, it’s possible to keep employees abreast of what’s happening from an organizational perspective. Whether you’re sharing big and small wins or new policies, it’s a great way to make sure that people receive the information that they need.

3. Strengthen Employee Morale

Employees have a lot on their plate, and no one wants to feel like they are just a number or cog helping to spin the wheel. Rather, when you’re actively engaging employees, you can strengthen employee morale and loyalty.

How to Create an Employee Newsletter?

When creating your own fun newsletter ideas for work, you have the option to start from a blank slate and code a newsletter in HTML and CSS. As you can guess, that requires coding knowledge and a dedicated amount of time, plus extra time to test it out.

Alternatively, you can make your life much easier by using an email builder like Publicate! Publicate is a drag-and-drop email builder that provides you with thousands of templates to start off with.

The drag-and-drop functionality makes it straightforward to customize content, without any need for a graphic designer or coder. This saves you time and makes the entire process carefree and enjoyable, while satisfying your internal communications needs.

What are the Best Employee Newsletter Ideas?

Once you sign up and log into an email builder like Publicate, you can get going right away by browsing through the hundreds of neatly categorized templates as your starting point. Let’s take a look at the best employee newsletters to get your creative juices flowing.

1. Milestones and Birthdays

Whether you have a big or small team, there are lots of opportunities to celebrate! Consider sending out a newsletter that includes appreciation for personal achievements, birthdays, and anniversaries, for example.

2. Training and Development Opportunities

Offering training and development courses for your team to grow and build themselves professionally? Here’s a newsletter template that starts off with an intro to the opportunities and then clearly lists each one with the option to Sign Up or RSVP to the training.

3. Policy and Company Updates

Using internal communications templates like this one with a list of updates allows you to keep everyone up-to-date with what they need to know.

While it contains a lot of useful information, it doesn’t feel overwhelming because it’s broken up with visual elements and big headlines that break the content up in pieces. Plus, it ends with space for a motivational quote to sign-off on a high note.

4. New Employee Spotlights

On a hiring spree or slowly bringing in new faces? Introduce them to the team to make them feel right at home from the start of their new job. This new employee template has space for a photo and note from the employee themself to showcase their personality.

5. Events

Hosting a company event relies on employee attendance. Spread the word about your next event, no matter the size, to make sure that people show up and are aware it’s happening. Check out this event template that shares all the details attendees would need to know, as well as a call-to-action to RSVP (for proper planning).

6. Job Postings

Your team is a great resource for filling open positions. Whether it means they can apply to move on up with the company or share the job posting with a fitting candidate they know, a job opportunity newsletter is a quick and easy way to widen your talent sourcing net.

7. Customer Feedback

Everyone in your company is working to make the customer experience as flawless as possible. One way to share that they are doing a great job is to encourage them with words and feedback directly from satisfied customers. It’s a motivational and rewarding fun type of employee newsletter.

8. Curated Content

Have great content you come across from outside sources while you’re browsing the web? Use curated content to spread goodness. Publicate offers curated content help so you can save more time as the tool scrapes the web to insert content titles and links from your saved library.

9. Wellbeing Advice and Events

You can add a wellbeing section to your company update newsletters or an entire dedicated wellness newsletter with healthy tips and advice to help employees lead more well-rounded lives.

This knowledge can improve both their mental and physical health, which helps them to show up to work as their best selves day-in and day-out.

10. Top Article

Got good reads to share? This Article of the Week template puts it front and center in front of your employees. You can either lead them to blog posts that are written internally or you can use this as a chance to share an article that’s relevant to your industry.

11. Highlight Employees

When employees put brand values into action, that’s a great sign for everyone! Highlight your people when they are building brand culture to help encourage others to do the same.

12. Competitions and Surveys

Get your employees involved by creating an interactive employee newsletter with a fun survey or competition involved! This way, communication becomes a two-way street (just as it should be).

Employees gathered around a computer smiling
Picture from Pexels

What are Best Practice Tips for the Best Employee Newsletters?

When you create newsletters using an newsletter builder like Publicate, best practices are already built-in to the software, so you don’t have to think twice or overwhelm yourself. That being said, here’s a look at some tips to keep in mind:

1. Short and Sweet Subject Line

It’s a very important part of the best employee newsletters, so you can’t overlook it. The subject line is the first thing that your audience will see in their inbox before they open your newsletter.

It’s best to keep it short and to-the-point, while also being intriguing. Be sure to touch on what the reader can expect to see when they open up the email, rather than being misleading in any way. It’s a notion of trust!

2. Provide Value

When starting from any template, the first and most important question you can ask yourself is, “What value am I creating in sending this email?” Every email should serve an obvious purpose.

While constant communication is important, your employees already have plenty of emails to get through, so make sure your message is always driving value.

3. Use CTAs

Leverage the use of call-to-actions to promote employees to take your desired next step. That could be to “Read More,” “RSVP,” “Share Feedback,” or whatever else you’re intending to accomplish.

4. Utilize Technology

Email building software saves you time by providing you with templates to start any email newsletter of your choice. With drag-and-drop functionality, you can move around the content however you see fit and add multimedia.

With a tool like Publicate, sending is as easy as exporting to your preferred communications channels or email providers with its integrated feature.

Wrap Up

The best employee newsletters all work to keep employees engaged with your company and aware of important news. Whether you choose to send them on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis, you can use a tool like Publicate to help you streamline the process.

This way, you can find the template you want ready to go. All you have to do is customize it to your liking and send it out.

Plus, you’ll receive metrics to track the success of your email newsletters in terms of engagement! Try Publicate for free today to see how easy and fun employee email newsletters can be.