In Brief

The Challenge

As B2B offerings become ever more commoditized, the subjective, sometimes quite personal considerations that business customers bring to purchasing decisions are increasingly important.

The Critical Insight

Understanding the full range of rational and emotional factors in business purchases—and tailoring value propositions accordingly—can help firms avoid the commodity trap.

The New Approach

Evaluate how products and services stack up on 36 discrete sources of value that research has shown matter to B2B buyers. Thoughtfully incorporate the ones that determine loyalty into offerings.

It’s Saturday, and a chief operating officer who last week negotiated a multimillion-dollar deal for a fleet of vehicles for her company is feeling pretty good. To reward herself, she’s shopping for a convertible sports car to enjoy on weekends. Surely the price-value calculation she makes for a fun personal purchase is different from the one she made when negotiating at work, right?

A version of this article appeared in the March–April 2018 issue (pp.72–81) of Harvard Business Review.